How TCM treats Endometriosis & Fertility : Evidence Based

What is endometriosis and what causes it and how TCM can treat it? Endometriosis is a disease of adolescents and reproductive-aged women characterized by the presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity and commonly associated with chronic pelvic pain and infertility. Endometriosis often presents as infertility or continued pelvic pain despite treatment with analgesics … Read more

How TCM can help your IVF journey

What is IVF and TCM? Fertility declines with advancing age and the number of couples seeking infertility treatment at an older age is constantly increasing. A top quality embryo is believed to have the highest potential for implantation and development into a child. A better understanding of the relative importance of patient and treatment characteristics … Read more

Treat miscarriage with TCM Naturally: Evidence-based

What is recurrent miscarriage & TCM? Miscarriage is defined as the spontaneous abortion without medical or mechanical means to terminate a pregnancy before the fetus is sufficiently developed to survive[1]. It happens in about 10%–15% of all pregnancies, and it is the most common complication during pregnancy[2]. One can help to reduce miscarriage rate naturally … Read more

A Guide to Male Fertility

Male Fertility : A Simple Guide ​ Most information available on sexual health are primarily geared towards women. However, men, particularly those who are sexually active are also at risk for sexual problems. Male fertility is seldom discussed. Whether gay or straight, sexual health is an important aspect of a man’s life and must be … Read more

How To Improve Egg Quality Naturally

For you to conceive, all you need is one egg. Continue to read on if you want to know how to improve your egg quality, naturally with Traditional Chinese Medicine. What is poor ovarian reserve? Medically, poor egg quality refers to poor ovarian reserve. There are three main markers of poor ovarian reserve(POR): 1. High … Read more