How TCM treats Infertility | Full Guide

What is infertility and how TCM can help?

Infertility is considered an inability to conceive in a sexually active couple who are trying to get pregnant for one year. About 8-12% of the couples in the world are facing problems with infertility, and in this modern times the per cent is getting bigger, and 20% of the cases are due to both male and female factor. By the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), infertility occurs due to disrupted vital balance and blockages in the Qi energy and Blood circulation flow.

TCM can be utilised in infertility consultations as an alternative as well as supplement to other medical methods. In this context, it benefits from the fact that the unusual reception of TCM in the West has integrated aspects of psychological diagnosis and care, in addition to the therapeutic application of acupuncture/moxibustion and Chinese medicinals, into a special treatment concept.

The philosophy in TCM is that you are able to treat infertility issues and conceive naturally when you are more balanced physically, mentally and emotionally. Using TCM, I guide my patients to achieve in their overall well-being rather than focusing on infertility definitions or tiny details of implantation.

How can we help you with fertility issues​

Whether you are having trouble getting pregnant, have had pregnancy loss or complications, or haven’t even started trying, boosting fertility naturally is an important step to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.

One of the key components of TCM is that the body, mind and spirit are not separate from each other. Your emotions, sleep patterns, stress levels, relationships, job satisfaction and personal fulfillment for example, are all connected to your health and your ability to conceive a child. TCM looks at you as a whole individual, diagnosing your patterns of disharmony and treating you accordingly. We are fully invested in helping you discover what problems you have  and overcoming it.

There is never a wrong time to begin to utilize the powers of TCM to aid in your fertility journey. When women and couples come to see me, they are at one of three places;

  • they want to optimize their chances of natural conception before any type of western medical intervention,
  • they want support while going through western medical assisted reproductive technologies, or
  • they have exhausted all western medical options and have turned to TCM as their last hope.

TCM is very much a partnership. Rather than telling you what is happening within your body, we will guide you through self-monitoring so that we can co-develop a plan that is tailored to you and addresses all areas of wellness – not only the symptom of infertility. The human body is highly intelligent and will tell you everything you need to know if you listen carefully.

We are unique individuals

Just as we are intricately different, our fertility challenges are also different. TCM has a very unique way of treat infertility. Every treatment plan is customised and no treatment prescription is identical. We could have three different women with the same Western medical diagnosis of PCOS, and they will all be treated differently. This is one big distinction between Western and Eastern Medicine. 

During our consultation, we don’t just talk about menstrual cycles and ovulation; we talk also about your sleep, diet, energy levels, sex drives, lifestyle factors, emotional states, stress and bowel movements. TCM takes into account every aspect of every patient – body, mind and spirit- as there is so much more into infertility than just plain physiology.

TCM + Western

We don’t recommend patients to discontinue their Western medications and take TCM herbs only. A patient with PCOS, for example, can supplement TCM treatment with Clomifen/hCG or Metformin, to profit from the advantages of both methods. Of course, detailed explanations will be done with the patient to manage expectations.

For endometriosis patients, if they are still not pregnant after 3-6months of TCM treatment, we will recommend laparoscopy to be done. Afterwards, we continue treatment with TCM because the pregnancy rate 6 months after laparoscopy is relatively high. This results either from the stimulation of ovulation or from the additional softening of adhesions and tissue growths, as a result of which the function of the ovaries and fallopian tubes is supported.

We have to emphasise that patients after a laparoscopy should not go without additional treatment. This would reduce the possibility of a pregnancy because these patients often suffer also from lack of ovulation, LPD, luteinized unruptured follicle syndrome (LUFS), or immune problems. Moreover, endometriosis relapses are common.

Good results can also be achieved with TCM in the treatment of male infertility patients in whom sperm density is less than 20 million/mL and sperm activity is reduced. This is suitable for patients who want to conceive naturally or IVF treatment. Either way you need healthy sperms for treatment to be successful.

Tongue and Pulse Diagnosis

Many are puzzled with tongue and pulse diagnosis. Actually they are not as mystified as it seems. When we feel your radial artery through my fingers, we are actually paying attention to the rate and rhythm of the pulse, as well as its qualities. How the blood flows within the blood vessels, and how fast it flows, indicates the person’s health and vitality.

Tongue provides another glimpse into the overall state of an individual’s health. The tongue is the only visible internal muscle in the body. Its colour, size, shape as well as the thickness of the coating, colour of the coating, reflect a lot about one’s health. 

Unexplained Infertility

There are so many patients diagnosed with ‘Unexplained Infertility’. However, when these patients arrive in our clinic, we find so many misalignments from a TCM perspective, physically and emotionally.This is why being so negative about your own pregnancy chances are so detrimental to your own body and if you don’t believe in your body and fertility, chances are it is going to be hard getting pregnant.

We strongly encourage to take 3-6 months to get your fertility health back in order before you pro-actively try to conceive. This is to allow a strong and healthy foundation for pregnancy. 

However, if time is not on your side, acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can help increase your chances of conceiving and having a healthy pregnancy.

Can I take TCM if I am visiting a Fertility Clinic?

Definitely you can.

We always ask my patients to see fertility clinic as a step on their path and suggest you to take it as an opportunity to gather as much medical information about your current baseline reproductive health as possible. Don’t view it as something stressful and negative. Along the way, always remember that you are in charge of your health and pay attention to your intuition when it is time to make important decisions.

Be Positive

Create a positive state of mind before attending your first appointment. As what we are educated in medical schools, typically compare your results are compared against the “norm”. But you are a dynamic individual, capable of change and you body has an innate way of healing itself. NEVER consider any diagnosis to be the final word. Evaluation is always an educated guess, based on statistical averages and numbers. Every woman is unique, and many babies are born despite unfavourable diagnoses.

When you hear about ‘low quality eggs’, always remember that eggs are cells that develop over the course of a year. From a TCM perspective, you can have a profound impact on your eggs’ health in their last 90-120 days, while they are growing and proliferating, by making positive changes in your life and diet.

Be in control of your health

If you have already been visiting a fertiliy clinic for some time and found it difficult, try to reframe your visit with these thoughts in mind: It was an opportunity to collect baseline information about your reproductive health. Advice are there to guide you but you can only be guided if you are comfortable and by listening to your intuition. 

What treatments can you expect

When you visit us for the first time, you will be introduced to fertility acupuncture and TCM herbal prescriptions, used alone or in conjunction with in vitro fertilization (IVF), intrauterine insemination (IUI), assisted reproductive technology (ART), or other conception modalities advised by a Doctor or other Health Care Professionals. 

Acupuncture and Chinese Medical Herbs are contraindication-free, and can greatly enhance the potential for conception. Acupuncture treatments help to release energy blockages in women who tend to be physically and emotionally struggling with becoming pregnant, and who may have endometriosis, fibroid tumors, PMS symptoms, irregular cycles, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and other disorders or factors which are causative of infertility.

Your treatment is completely individualized based on your body’s needs. We address health issues that may get in the way of fertility as well we address any other health issues for your overall health and well-being. This holistic treatment plan is designed to help you be your healthiest possible.

Treatment includes:

  • acupuncture and Herbal Chinese Medicine

  • guidance on the best nutritional supplements for healthy fertility and healthy pregnancy

  • guidance on fertility-boosting foods

For patients undergoing IUI/IVF/FET Treatments, acupuncture can boost your reproductive procedures. Research has shown that acupuncture is safe and effective to improve IUI and IVF/FET outcomes.

Acupuncture can:

  • improves the quality and thickness of the uterine lining

  • increases blood flow to the uterus and ovaries

  • decreases chance of miscarriage

  • decreases side effects of medications

  • reduces stress

What happens in your first visit?

  • Your first consultation usually takes an hour – or longer, so make sure you give yourself enough time. 
  • We will first look through all the reports you currently have and a thorough case history is usually taken during your first session. (so it is important that you bring all your relevant reports)
  • We will usually discuss your full medical history, including details of your menstrual cycle. 
  • Tongue and pulse diagnosis will also be carried out. 
  •  We will discuss the healthiest ways to boost infertility and prepare your body for pregnancy and conception using TCM. 
  • We will also review your current health and health history (and if available, any recent blood tests) to come up with individualized recommendations based on balancing your body naturally through TCM diagnosis.
  • For couples, we review the health of both partners and identify specific recommendations to support each partner.
  • We will then review your current diet and nutritional supplements and I will make recommendations if needed.
  • Your treatment plan will then be discussed and agreed. 
  • We discuss infertility awareness techniques and the best timing to increase your chances to conceive using TCM theories.
  • Acupuncture is often given in the first session. 
  • You may feel a tingling sensation or a slight ache when the needles are inserted but it shouldn’t be painful. 
  • Let me know if you feel uncomfortable during the acupuncture session. You may feel drowsy or fatigued following your session, so aim to go home and relax afterwards if possible.

What treatments can you expect

When you visit us for the first time, you will be introduced to fertility acupuncture and TCM herbal prescriptions, used alone or in conjunction with in vitro fertilization (IVF), intrauterine insemination (IUI), assisted reproductive technology (ART), or other conception modalities advised by a Doctor or other Health Care Professionals. 

Acupuncture and Chinese Medical Herbs are contraindication-free, and can greatly enhance the potential for conception. Acupuncture treatments help to release energy blockages in women who tend to be physically and emotionally struggling with becoming pregnant, and who may have endometriosis, fibroid tumors, PMS symptoms, irregular cycles, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and other disorders or factors which are causative of infertility.

Your treatment is completely individualized based on your body’s needs. We address health issues that may get in the way of fertility as well we address any other health issues for your overall health and well-being. This holistic treatment plan is designed to help you be your healthiest possible.

Treatment includes:

  • acupuncture and Herbal Chinese Medicine

  • guidance on the best nutritional supplements for healthy fertility and healthy pregnancy

  • guidance on fertility-boosting foods

For patients undergoing IUI/IVF/FET Treatments, acupuncture can boost your reproductive procedures. Research has shown that acupuncture is safe and effective to improve IUI and IVF/FET outcomes.

Acupuncture can:

  • improves the quality and thickness of the uterine lining

  • increases blood flow to the uterus and ovaries

  • decreases chance of miscarriage

  • decreases side effects of medications

  • reduces stress

Based on your body constitution and condition, I will discuss with you when will be a good time to begin acupuncture prior and during your IVF cycle.

 Book a consultation today to find out more how TCM can help your fertility journey.

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